
About Harriet Wood

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So far Harriet Wood has created 303 blog entries.

BFM Article

This week we’re looking at an article written just over two years ago celebrating Wylde IA’s win at the BCO Awards. The British Council for Offices Awards had some big name organisations shortlisted for the [...]

BFM Article2020-10-21T14:09:47+01:00

On Office : SECO

A quick look back into another article written on the success of Wylde IA designed SECO Tools, this time in On Office. The article itself discusses the projects, events and news in architecture and included [...]

On Office : SECO2020-10-21T14:05:31+01:00

Zaha Hadid

The shocking news of the sudden death of award winning Zaha Hadid has saddened the architecture and design world. Wylde Interior Architecture remembers Zaha Hadid, the first woman to achieve the RIBA’s Royal Gold Medal in [...]

Zaha Hadid2020-10-21T13:46:30+01:00

South West Business

This week we’re looking back at an article in South West Business. The article discussed housebuilding firm Barratt Homes’ move of their regional head quarters to new offices in Aztec West just outside of Bristol. [...]

South West Business2020-10-21T13:43:39+01:00

Mixology Awards 2013

We’re having a look back to the Mixology Awards 2013. Wylde Interior Architecture were winners for the Medium/Large Commercial Interior project for our SECO headquarters project in Alcester, which actually went on to win other [...]

Mixology Awards 20132020-10-21T13:39:27+01:00


We’re looking forward to what the year has in store… but for the first News & Media post of 2016 we’re looking back at one of our award winning projects at SECO Tools UK. This [...]

BCO Awards SECO2020-10-21T13:26:41+01:00

The Shredder

A look back at our very own Tracey Wylde’s pet hates – an article in The Shredder. “Tracey started Wylde IA in 1996 after running BDG McColl’s design team and working for Tilney Shane: recent [...]

The Shredder2020-10-21T13:17:50+01:00
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