As the summer holidays begin, the allure of (possible) sunny days, family holidays, and outdoor adventures becomes irresistible. However, for hybrid workers, who balance the flexibility of remote work with in-office responsibilities, truly disconnecting can be a challenge. With work always within arm’s reach, setting boundaries is crucial to enjoy a well-deserved break. Here’s a guide to help you draw clear lines between time off and remote work, ensuring you can relax and recharge this summer.

Before taking time off, inform your team and supervisors well in advance. Clear communication about your availability or lack thereof helps manage expectations and ensures a smoother transition during your absence. Identify tasks that need attention while you’re away and delegate them to trusted colleagues. Providing detailed instructions and necessary access to resources will help them manage your duties effectively.

Choose specific areas in your home or (if you really have to!) holiday spot that are strictly for relaxation and fun. Keeping work out of these zones helps create a mental and physical separation between professional and personal time. If you must work during your hol, set really strict work hours. Early mornings or late evenings might be less disruptive, allowing you to enjoy the bulk of your day. Stick to these hours to maintain a balance between work and leisure.

Set up auto-responders on your email and messaging apps to inform contacts of your time off. Include the dates you’ll be unavailable and provide an alternative contact for urgent matters. Turn off non-essential notifications or use “Do Not Disturb” modes on your devices. This minimises distractions and helps you stay present during your time off.

Consider taking a digital detox by completely unplugging from all devices for a few days. This break from screens can help you reconnect with yourself and your surroundings, reducing stress and improving mental clarity. Engage in activities that you love and that help you unwind. Whether it’s hiking, reading, cooking, or simply lounging by the pool, immersing yourself in enjoyable pursuits can help you fully disconnect from work.

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep-breathing exercises, can help you stay grounded and present. These techniques reduce anxiety and make it easier to enjoy your time off without worrying about work. Regularly reflect on your boundaries and how well you’re adhering to them. Adjust your strategies as needed to ensure you’re maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Upon returning from your break, ease back into work by gradually increasing your workload. Start with lighter tasks to help you transition smoothly and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Take some time to review your time off. What worked well? What didn’t? Reflecting on these aspects can help you improve your strategies for future vacations, ensuring even better work-life balance.

For hybrid workers, the lines between work and personal life can often blur, making it challenging to disconnect fully. However, by planning ahead, setting clear boundaries, leveraging technology, prioritising self-care, practicing mindfulness, and planning a gradual return, you can enjoy a rejuvenating summer break. Remember, taking time off is not just beneficial for your personal well-being but also enhances your productivity and creativity when you return to work. So, go ahead, disconnect, and make the most of your summer!